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In summer, it is cool, and care warms people's hearts
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In summer, it is cool, and care warms people's hearts



          On the morning of August 2, 2023, Li Zhaohui, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Director of the Supervision Commission, and his party went to the company to carry out the summer to send coolness and condolences to the employees who are fighting on the front line of high temperatures. Liu Yanmei, Secretary of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and Song Wei, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the High-tech Zone, accompanied the condolences. Secretary Li Zhaohui came to the production workshop, personally sent heatstroke prevention and cooling supplies to the front-line employees, asked them about their production and living conditions, and instructed them to pay attention to production and epidemic prevention safety, pay attention to physical health, combine work and rest, and prevent heat stroke. Chen Wenjun, chairman of the company, also came to the scene, expressed cordial greetings to the employees who worked hard in the high temperature, and sent heatstroke prevention and cooling items, and told the relevant person in charge to implement the heatstroke prevention and cooling work.  The condolence activity of "sending coolness in summer, caring and warming people's hearts" has implemented the work of heatstroke prevention and cooling to every front-line employee, thereby stimulating the enthusiasm of front-line employees, enhancing the cohesion of the team and employees, and forming a good atmosphere of caring for employees and employees loving the company. 


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