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On May Day, Longpo Trade Union condolences to front-line workers
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On May Day, Longpo Trade Union condolences to front-line workers



 On the occasion of the "May Day" Labor Day, the company's labor union condolences to the front-line workers who stuck to their posts and worked hard during the festival, thanked everyone for their hard work, and sent holiday greetings and condolences to everyone. Wang Fuling, chairman of the trade union, went deep into the workshop, inquired in detail about the work and life of the employees, affirmed the hard work of the employees, and the dedication of the employees, and told everyone to pay attention to protection, keep the safety production in mind, and encourage the front-line employees to continue to carry forward the spirit of love and dedication, and send the "May Day" gift package, I wish everyone a happy, peaceful and warm "May Day" Labor Day. Holiday condolences have become a tradition of the company, and the company's leaders will send care to the front line, further mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, and enhance the sense of belonging of employees. Everyone said that they will actively implement the company's rules and regulations, improve safety awareness, strictly grasp product quality, and contribute to the realization of the company's annual goals. 


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(official account)